
Though the concept is kind of timeless, never has it been so easy to take hundreds of self-portraits. Just think of how odd it'll be in the near future, with adults reminiscing about old times over photos of their younger selves taken at arm's length.

Pre-made Sandwiches

On mornings where nothing went right, your parents would've loved having this option to throw into a lunchbox or lunchbag. These thaw-and-eat sandwiches debuted in 2000.

Fruit Pouches

We've grown used to the sight of kids sucking on bags of applesauce, veggie and fruit purees, which is something that wouldn't have been possible in the heady days of the '70s.

Diaper Genies

Though the origins are a bit murky (the invention came about sometime in the 1990s), we can't imagine a nursery without this diaper disposal system.

Fidget Spinners

Back in your day, when you wanted to annoy your teachers and parents (while also letting out your excess energy), all you had to do was tap your pencil against your desk or throw a wad of paper at a friend or sibling.

The Disney Store

The Disney Store — and those famous Disney princess dresses — didn't make their mall debut until 1987.

Cake Smashes

Back in your day, smashing your little hands into a cake would be cause for punishment, not a photo shoot.

Streaming Music

We have the MP3 (patented in Germany in 1989) to thank for laying the groundwork for services like Spotify, Tidal, Amazon Music and more

Netflix Bingeing

You used to have to wait a week to see a new episode of your favorite show, or wait until a rental came in at Blockbuster for a movie you were dying to see. Now, all of those things are available whenever you want, thanks to Netflix, Hulu, Amazon and countless other services.

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